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Affecting Factors of A2O Process Effluent Effect in Sewage Treatment Technology

Biodegradable organics have a very important impact on nitrogen and phosphorus removal, and its impact on the three biochemical processes in the A2O process is complex, mutually restrictive, and even contradictory ... ...
Affecting Factors of A2O Process Effluent Effect in Sewage Treatment Technology

Analysis of coagulation process in the application of polyaluminum chloride wastewater treatment

Polyaluminum has a high degree of electrical neutralization and bridging effect on colloids and particles in water, and can effectively remove micro toxicants and heavy metal ions, with stable properties. Due to the bridging effect of hydroxide ions and the polymerization of polyvalent anions ...
Analysis of coagulation process in the application of polyaluminum chloride wastewater treatment

Industrial wastewater treatment

In the process of industrial wastewater treatment, relevant physical, chemical, and biological treatment methods are combined to carry out related work, follow the working principles of environmental protection, and create advanced wastewater treatment mechanisms ...
Industrial wastewater treatment
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